We are proud to offer the Klein & Partners suite of Brand Measurement and Ad Effectiveness products and have partnered to help brands make critical decisions that drive brand value.
Satisfaction is transactional while Commitment is relational. BRANDengine more accurately predicts loyalty and advocacy than satisfaction alone.
It is a strategy-centered brand equity model that focuses on “emotional commitment” to brands as a better predictor of brand loyalty and advocacy.
What makes BRANDengine different from every other brand measurement tool? Only with BRANDengine can you measure:
Brand equity across the entire brand family, not just at the individual brand level
Emotional attachment to the brand they have used
Emotional attraction to brands they haven’t used
The impact of market barriers on growth potential
Behavioral brand loyalty across the entire brand family
Share of experience across multiple settings
Consumer connection
The impact of attachment on ‘share of wallet’
Which competitors you are most vulnerable to, and which ones are most vulnerable to you.
A collection of ad testing tools that offers protection from ineffective advertising and is designed to meet your timing and budget needs. Want something quick? Need to A/B test digital ads? Or a more comprehensive campaign test?
ADvice can help.
For advertising to be effective it must say something (i.e., the message) that is meaningful and differentiating to the target audience, and it must be told in an engaging and memorable way (i.e., the creative). It must win the hearts and minds of consumers.
Does your advertising capture the hearts and minds of your audience? And what does an ineffective campaign mean for your brand?
ADsight is a post-ad tracking survey to measure your campaign’s short-term effectiveness.
What do you want to change in the consumer’s mind?
You’ve run a campaign that you believe is a winner. But how do you know?
Do people remember it?
Do they really know it was your advertising or do they think it is another brand’s advertising?
How did the advertising make them feel and what, if anything, did it make them do?